Q+A: Jonathan More

November 8, 2013

Source: Mortgage Observer Weekly

Jonathan More, Director at Mission Capital Advisor’s Debt & Equity Finance Group, is interviewed for this week’s Mortgage Observer Weekly Q+A feature.


The Insider's Weekly Guide to theCommercial Mortgage Industry

November 8, 2013


Jonathan More

Dire(..1:or at Mission Capital Advisors, Debt and

Equity Finance Group

build ncwonesis important to Mi.'ISiOrt
!'crsonaUy, I am inen.'llibly hands-on

and am involved in every detail of c-..ch

d 'al.

Mission Capital, and having th.is!ull team fot'US<'.C.I puts us in a great position to ex· ccutc and gj'cs our clients trcmcndol!S comfort.

llfortoaaeW«k(y: How did

you get your start in the bu!Jine…, and

what led you to join liiuion Capital

Advi110no this)Tu'?

Jonathan More: After worldf4! for a suburban dt•wloper alcr college, I joined CO!lli Group in :O:cw York, an amazinfty wellrunt'Ompany, which bada rc-.U im pat1 on my carL'<'r.It was at COR£ wbcro I truly learnt'll the real cstnlc business,the ploy­ ers and how to negotiate and put deals to­ gether. l'rior to joining Mission, I worked
for Ackman-Ziff KcalJi.statc Group.anoth­
er storiL'll real estate firm for which J have tremendous rcspL-ct.
Mb;sion C"''ital has an cxirnorc:linary platform and an cnlftprcneu rial style, which is very ini, ting to clicni.Js. Ucal cxc­ t'U tion and n.,;ults on behalf of clients arc superb, and 1ission
in front of market trends and new capital soun.'<'s arising for both debt and equity. "J'hc team fi.rst" approach is a core value
of theflrm.li'Crymembersitson thesame tr.Wing dt-sk. and the flow of marl<cl/dcal

information is rca ! time and continuous.

What doesyour roleentail?

I help in the origin.alinstructuri'4!and L'Xt:cuting of debt and equity capital trans­ adions on behalf of owner·opcratono., de· velopers, 1'.1;.. finm and famiy Relationships arc the oornerstone of the real cstal.e business;assuch, holding long­
sbndlng relationships and continuing to

What kinds of deals an: yuur main focus?

Retail, office and multi runily propel"

Li -s

understand the nuances and min u tiac of
each asset class, wh.ich bas bt'Cn benefi­ cial in analyzing deals upfront and work· i'4! through deal issu'S that arise during CXL'altiort 'l'hc next generation of owner­ operators. dC'l'lop;;rs and private l'Quity

fll11ls have made an indelible mark on thj,;

cycle,andmylongtcrmrcla1ionshlpswith thcsot.'Onlcm poraries bavo been helpful in cstllblishingexcculion capability and trust in choosi'4!an intermediary partner.

What arc the largest deals you'i.,_. dosed in the past11>"0 ycarh

11lc Orill Uuilding was a $2.'1.> million rnixcd-lliKl property at-quisition in the llow-'llc North portion of Times Square, where we set'Urcd the full C"!'ital stack­

senior mortgage.preferred equity and .lV.

equityon behalf of a realestateentreprencur.The other deal was Herald lowers,at the crossroads of Hcr.Ud Square, in which
'''":u-r.tngt-d a S275 milliort super lonterm mortg.:lgc from a life insurance com· p;tnyon behalf of afumilyoffice.Ooth deals

arc a testament to today's mari<ct liquid­ ity, as well as the value of hiring an intcr­ mt.'lliarytorun a formal prot'<'ssin ordcr to o.chicTC superior results.

What an: tbemaintn:nds tbat you cur­

rently """inyuuran:aofthe rnarkL-t?

There is tremendous debt/capital mar­ lu:tsappetito!orbridgcfmancing.wh.ichhas helped cffcctUJrtc I1lllll)'dealsin the mwkd.
1"h.is oompdi!Nc landscape h"" made the floating rate loan markc.1price efficiently, and it has creatt'll wonderful financing op­ portunitit-s !or quruity sponsors ocquiring q uality.'alucadd projL-cts.NYC multifum­ nyand offtoe bui dings in need of hands-on repositioning arc the most common areas where we continue tosucecssfulty CX(.'(.'Utc

on this strat(duringthis q'clc. l:m

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