Women of Influence – Mimi Grotto

March 27, 2015

Source: Real Estate Forum

Real Estate Forum named Mission Capital’s Mimi Grotto one of their Metro New York “Women of Influence”

enu'a nce imo the mo·!gage-se" ces
loan sales for agencies including Fann ie Mae and Freddie Mac. Tht ough her diligence, MCA's mortgage se1vices business has con­ tinued to grow, along wid1 MCA's customer base. In 2014 alone, d1e MCA Mortgage Services team consulted on more d1an $8 billion of ad,isory assignments for banks around d·e US. In 2014, Gn-otto woked on MCA's largest conu;tct, exclusively pro,di
sevices to one of the world's largest ban ks.

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