Mission Capital Advisors announced that its residential trading group has surpassed $1 billion in offered transactions for 2013, and is currently marketing more than $400 million in three separate offerings.
Month: December 2013
Mission Capital Advisors announced that its residential trading group has surpassed $1 billion in offered transactions for 2013, and is currently marketing more than $400 million in three separate offerings.
Media Contact: John Yocca jyocca@beckermanpr.com
Mission Capital Advisors’ Residential Trading Group Surpasses $1 Billion in Offered Transactions for 2013
High Volume is Representative of Increased Capital Flow in Residential Space
NEW YORK (Dec. 11, 2013) — Mission Capital Advisors, a leading national real estate capital markets solutions firm, today announced that its residential trading group has surpassed $1 billion in offered transactions for 2013, and is currently marketing more than $400 million in three separate offerings.
The group, which specializes in the sale of fixed-‐rate and adjustable-‐rate seasoned prime, Alt-‐A and sub-‐prime loan portfolios, has conducted the sales for a broad array of financial institutions including major financial services firms and various private equity groups.
“Our clients are achieving execution levels that are bridging the bid/ask spread that had existed during the past few years,” stated Luis Vergara, a managing director with Mission Capital’s residential trading group. “Capital continues to flow into the residential space with liquidity being enhanced through financing sources that allow investors to pursue larger trades.”
According to Mission Capital’s research, year-‐to-‐date transaction volume for the sale of
residential whole loans in the U.S. has already exceeded $30 billion.
“It’s interesting to note that while $30 billion in transactions represents more than double
2012’s transactional volume, the number of transactions completed year-‐over-‐year has
remained relatively the same,” Vergara said.
In addition to its core loan sale business, Mission Capital has expanded its platform by offering customized solutions to major financial institutions that maintain a trading presence but require resources to handle the numerous “back office” functions necessary to conduct systematic loan sales.
“For the largest institutions, the unwinding of legacy positions will be a multiyear process,” stated Dwight Bostic, a managing director and head of Mission Capital’s residential group. “The focus of Mission Capital’s core loan sale business has positioned us to provide solutions that are variable in both cost and commitment. With expertise in the demands of whole loan buyers as it relates to collateral and compliance, we’re able to ensure that our clients’ loan packages will trade with minimal fallout.”
Additionally, Mission Capital provides portfolio valuations for the FDIC and regional banks, and has entered into a long-‐term agreement to provide valuations for a major lender serving investors of seasoned residential loans.
“Our expertise in modeling residential loans combined with real market execution provides an unprecedented level of precision in our marks,” Bostic said.
About Mission Capital Advisors
Founded in 2002, Mission Capital Advisors, LLC is a leading national, diversified real estate capital markets solutions firm with offices in New York City, Florida, Texas, California and Mobile, Al. The firm delivers value to its clients through an integrated platform of advisory and transaction management services across commercial and residential loan sales; debt, mezzanine and JV equity placement; and loan portfolio valuation. Since its inception, Mission Capital has advised a variety of leading financial institutions and real estate investors on more than $45 billion of loan sale and financing transactions, as well as in excess of $14 billion of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac transactions, positioning the firm strongly to provide unmatched loan portfolio valuation services for both commercial and residential assets.
Mission Capital’s seasoned team of industry-‐leading professionals is committed to achieving clients’ business objectives while maintaining the highest levels of integrity and trust. For more information, visit www.www.missioncap.com.
Mission Capital Advisors announced that its residential trading group has surpassed $1 billion in offered transactions for 2013, and is currently marketing more than $400 million in three separate offerings.
Mission Capital Advisors announced that the company has completed the sale of a loan on behalf of Union Bank for Shadow Mountain Marketplace, a 350,000-square-foot, 36-store anchored shopping center in Las Vegas. The unpaid principal balance of the loan was $48,380,000.
PRESS RELEASE: Mission Capital Advisors Completes Sale of $48-Million Loan Secured by Shadow Mountain Marketplace in Las Vegas
Doc. 2. 20!3
LAS VEGAS –Mission Capital Advisors, a leading national real estate capital markets solutions firm, today announced that the company has completed the sale of a loan on behalf of Union Bank for Shadow Mountain Marketplace, a 350,000-square foot, 36-store anchored shopping center in LasVegas.The unpaid principal balance of theloan was $48,380,000.The transaction is thelatest in a number ofloan sales completed by Mission Capital on behalf of Union Bank over thelast fewyears.
A team led by Mission Capital Managing Director Chad Coluccio completed the sale of theloan to a debt fund, which plans to work with the borrower to restructure theloan. Scott Myers, Director of Sales & Trading with Mission Capital, executed loan valuation analysis as part of the assignment.
"This transaction is an excellent example of the strength of Mission Capital's integrated
service platform, whereby our team determine>d an appropriate value for theloan, and through the execution of our marketing strategy, which included exposing the opportunity to a wide market of both real estate and restructure buyers, was able to secure multiple final bids in excess of our reserve price," stated Coluccio."Despite this being a stable asset with 96-percent occupancy, the timing of theloan's origination at the market's peak and the subsequent downturn in the market resulted in theloan falling into maturity default. We are very pleas;ed to have been able to dispose of this loan in a quick, efficient manner in which all parties involved were pleased with the outcome"
About Mission Capital Advisors
Founded in 2002,Mission Capital Advisors, LLC is a leading national,diversified real estate capital markets solutions firm with offices in New York City,F1orida,Texas, Califomia andMobile,Al.The finn delivers value to its clients through an integrated platform of advisory and transaction management services across commercial and residential loan sales; debt, mezzanine and.Wequity placement; and loan portfolio valuation.Since its inception,Mission Capital has advised a variety of leading financial institutions and real estate investors on more than $45billion of loan sale and financing transactions, as well as in excess of$14 billion of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac transactions, positioning the finn strongly to provide unmatched loan portfolio valuation services for both commercial and residential assets.
Mission Capital's seasoned team of industry-leading professionals is committed to achieving clients' business objectives while maintaining the highest levels of integrity and trust.For more irifonnation,visit www.www.missioncap.com.